This product is not for everyday use. You must be a contractor to use this product. Include your business name in the note of this purchase.
- We can only ship to the north east region including the following states: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, Conneticut, New Jersey, and New York.
Level Sealer™ is a HAPS Free high solids, water white formula specifically designed for interior wood surfaces that are exposed to moisture, heat and household chemicals. It was also designed so that you can build the dry mils past the normal 5 mils maximum recommendation. So, if you want to have a full fill or thick build look and you do not want to go to polyurethane, Level Sealer™ is for you. It gives good sag resistance and can be sprayed from 4-10 wet mils on a vertical surface. It can also be built with multiple thin coats to get 10-12 dry mils by allowing each coat to dry thoroughly.