This product is not for everyday use. You must be a contractor to use this product. Include your business name in the note of this purchase.
We can only ship to the north east region including the following states: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, Conneticut, New Jersey, and New York.
EnviroMax™ was developed using M.L. Campbell® solvent borne breakthrough Clean Cure™ Technology. This exceptional technology platform provides an acid cure formaldehyde free amino-alkyd pre-catalyzed lacquer that is both low odor and HAPs free helping to create a safer work environment. This self-sealing system applies and sands easily, provides UV protection, cures at normal ambient temperature and dries to a smooth touch finish. EnviroMax offers the convenience and user-friendly features of pre-catalyzed lacquer while providing the high durability and performance of a post-cat. EnviroMax was specifically formulated to eliminate formaldehyde off gassing concerns from acid cure coatings on commercial and residential projects.