This product is not for everyday use. You must be a contractor to use this product. Include your business name in the note of this purchase.
We can only ship to the north east region including the following states: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, Conneticut, New Jersey, and New York.
ARROYO® 2K WB POLYURETHANE TOPCOAT is a hybrid waterborne system for interior use. This very durable coating helps to improve your productivity and offers easy application with fewer steps and an unlimited application window – saving time and eliminating waste.
ARROYO® 2K is also GREENGUARD® certified for low VOC and indoor emissions, helping you meet regulatory requirements. With exceptional self-sealing, film-build and film formation properties, ARROYO® 2K delivers an extremely smooth, yellowing-resistant finish for kitchen and bathroom cabinets and household and office furniture.